Your submission has been sent!
Thank you for reporting your concern. Your message was sent to our Support Team. You should receive a reply from a representative of our office within two business days. Occasionally we receive a large number of messages, and your response may take a little longer. If this occurs, we appreciate your patience, and we assure you that you will receive a response. Thank you for taking the time to contact us.
All reports are monitored and will be provided to the appropriate University personnel for further investigation, repair, or removal. Please note, reports may become a part of the larger University barrier removal plan.
Please note: submission of the form does not constitute a formal complaint, grievance, or request for academic or workplace accommodation. Its intent is only to assist in identifying and addressing barriers to access. Please note, barrier removal may be added to a larger University barrier removal plan.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. Have a great day,
OIA Support Team