Event Accessibility

Accessible events for all

USC values the equitable and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into all aspects of campus life. As such, all units have a shared responsibility to make their events accessible to all. In most cases, creating accessible events is free or low-cost and requires only modest planning.

long shot of woman addressing an audience outdoors

Event planner responsibility

Responsibilities and requirements for planning events at USC.

Your event accessibility guide

Parking and transportation

Information regarding accessible parking, shuttles, shuttle stops, and more.

Effective communication

Information regarding sign language interpreters, real time captioning, and assistive learning devices.

Service and support animals

USC policy regarding animals on campus, service animals & support animals.

Accommodation requests

Who to contact to request accommodations for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Event planning checklist

Guidance on selecting a venue, space arrangement, and other things to consider when planning your event.

Request a consultation

The Office of Institutional Accessibility collaborates with campus partners to provide education and outreach throughout campus. We would be happy to work with you to design a training to meet your needs or provide a consultation.